LabQuest App
Digital technologies cannot replace authentic interactions, however, the immersive features of these platforms can have the potential to involve and engage the students with science. Teaching and learning can be both enabled and accelerated by digital technology and can take place in environments that support 'deep learning'. As a research tool, LabQuest aimed to involve young people in the scientific field by presenting educational content in playful formats, adding the fun layer.
LabQuest received a Highly Commended award at the MEDEA Awards 2014, an international competition. The MEDEA Awards aims to encourage innovation and good practice in the use of media (audio, video, graphics and animation) in education. The awards also recognise and promote excellence in the production and pedagogical design of media-rich learning and teaching materials, resources, tools, processes and services.
1. Design process.
LabQuest is based on a story of an internationally awarded young scientist, Dr Bright, who was locked up in a laboratory by an envious co-worker: the 'crazy' Dr Cell. To save Dr Bright from the laboratory, the player has to answer several science questions and, in the end, face Dr Cell in a duel, which will result either in the release of the protagonist or in the obligation to restart the game to get him out of the lab.
2. Splash screens and game story information.
The player's progression is conditioned on answering at least three questions correctly to unlock the level (which corresponds to a laboratory room). Then, it will be possible to open the door that allows him to move to a more challenging level. Between levels, the player will find extra challenges that will increase in complexity as the levels advance.
3. Game design levels.
In recent years there has been a significant increase in mobile learning, alongside a more extensive offer of contents and technological possibilities and greater interest among people in buying and using mobile platforms. As a consequence of technological advances and mobile devices' widespread use to access information and communication, mobile learning has become a spontaneous learning model. Furthermore, it provides a more flexible and collaborative technology-based learning and creates new opportunities to enhance pupils' learning experiences.
4. Quiz screens design.
Simultaneously, as a result of the investment of European governments in Information and Communication Technology for schools over the past 30 years combined with their easy access, this created waves of excitement about its power to fix educational problems and improve learning results. Although technology plays an important role in the learning and teaching process and creates opportunities to integrate learners in the field of experience, it is just a tool that could help to improve the achievement of the learning outcomes though engaging activities. The mere availability of technology is not a guarantee that effective learning will happen automatically or a guarantee of success.
5. LabQuest app.
The literature review on the use of mobile learning in primary and secondary education between 2010-2015 shows that a total of 62% of the studies that included the use of mobile devices in a learning activity resulted in increased student learning, 34% reported other outcomes as they did not measure student learning, 12% reported neutral outcomes, and just 1% was negative.
Project Details
GUI, illustration
Rui Leitao
Jaime Fins
Animation, Character design
Guilherme Gomes
Project Supervisors
Renata Silva, Diana Seabra, Paulo Fontes, Susana Neves, José Azevedo
Porto University
European Fund for Structural Development (FEDER)
National Strategic Reference Framework (QREN)
Competitivity Factors Operational Programme (COMPETE)
Ciência Viva