Good Health Visual Identity

The Good Heath visual identity is based on different concepts that are related to Chinese medicine and to the city where Good Health is located. Therefore, a balance was sought in a structure based on the needles used in the practice of traditional Chinese medicine, in the five elements, in the lotus flower and the sock statue in Loughborough. Acupuncture is the ancient Chinese practice of inserting needles in specific points of the body to manipulate the flow of energy or Qi. The most thoroughly studied mechanism of stimulation of acupuncture points employs penetration of the skin by thin, solid, metallic needles, which are manipulated manually or by electrical stimulation.


Five elements theory is a Chinese philosophy used to describe interactions and relationships between things. The five elements (wood, fire, earth, metal, and water) are believed to be the fundamental elements of everything in the universe between which interactions occur The History of Five Elements Theory (770–476 BC) became widespread and is mostly used in Chinese medicine, philosophy, fengshui and martial arts.
Since ancient times, the lotus flower has been considered sacred by many. Not only are the parts of the lotus used in Chinese herbal formulas to treat different health problems, but the lotus flower in Buddhism also represents rebirth, renewal and resurrection. When a healing starts and the body enters a state of relaxation, a new possibility of start again is offered.
The Sock is a statue in the town centre of Loughborough in Leicestershire that can be found in the Market Place, outside the Town Hall. The Sock was created by the sculptress Shona Kinloch and was exposed in 1998. The statue represents a man seated on a bollard, wearing only a sycamore leaf and a sock, which he is looking down at admiringly.


1. Design process. Structure.

One crucial aspect of effective educational technology is the capacity to create technology that can meet pupils’ needs. Development that integrates user feedback results in more effective learning experiences. With this aim, it is widely accepted that users should generally be consulted throughout the design process. The user experience study is of central importance to the interaction design of applications. In an iterative approach to user-centred design, the development process of 'mocking up' the application started with storyboards and sketches, with the corresponding identification of learning outcomes and expected behaviours. Sketching on paper is a low-fidelity approach most often used during the early stages of the design cycle. It is an essential technique for determining what the design should be.


2. Visual identity manual.


3. Good Health personal card.

Project Details

Visual identity, graphic design
Rui Leitao
Good Health,Traditional Chinese Medice